Sunday, November 5, 2006

Yesterday was a good day...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Yesterday was a good day...
Current mood: happy

Yesterday was a great day.

First of all, I don't blog, but I feel like this is a good way to get out some things.

Yesterday I watched the Homecoming parade at the U. Homecoming is always great, I saw good friends, had a good time, and I was very proud of Deke, the members, the alums and of course the pledges. I feel honored to be their New Member Educator.

Last night was closing night for the Brave New Workshop fall show, "The Left, the Right, and the Ugly; or Blue State Blues." Several of the FOH staff and myself messed with the cast a little. Needless to say, I was shirtless in front of 200 customers including my staff, my students, my coworkers, and my bosses. It should have been grounds to be fired, but at my job I was 'Yes, anded…' and it wasn't until afterwards that I thought about the fact that I could have been fired for it. I will never do something like that again, at least I don't think so. See, while it was funny, it was kind of screwing over the scene. And I don't like that. It was funny, but I walked a very fine line.

At the end of the show I was awarded a gift for my years of service to the BNW. I got a BNW letter jacket, which is awarded only to people who have either gone through the entire mainstage process of writing and performing an entire show or to those who have worked in admin for several years. I never bought my letter jacket in high school, but the black and red I got last night means a lot more than the black and orange from Cedarburg High, or the maroon and gold from the U of M.

Getting that jacket was very humbling. I have wanted that jacket for a long time, but when I was pulled up on stage by John and Jenni, I never felt less deserving of it, because I now feel like a member of an elite group of dedicated individuals, and I am honored to have been included.

My life is centered around only a few things right now. Those things are my family and friends, my work, my fraternity and ties as an alumni of the University. Most of my friends are tied to me through work and the U, and they are like family to me. The Workshop is like that too, except that it is a job, a job I respect and enjoy, with people I respect and enjoy, and I want to go to work every day.

For a time, things were kind of messed up in my life, but over the past week a lot has come together so I feel like my life is back on track. Now it's back to me to jump on board and keep things going. Good things are yet to come.

Yes, and.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Nice guys wear mohawks

So, I have developed a theory, a vast majority of guys and girls with mohawks are good people. Of course every rule needs an exception to prove it, but in this new era of mohawks and faux-hawks, it seems to me that most of them are genuine good people.

I am not talking about the wanna be faux-hawks either, most of them are just posers, but probably still good people. Those are the ones that just have the mid head rise of hair that just looks like an accented saggital crest (look it up, I took human anthropology) of bullshit hair.

See, I have recently been sporting the mohawk/faux-hawk, and others who sport it are really nice good people. People I have known who have had them in the past (this is you Lacey, and others) are also good people.

This weekend I had the pleasure of helping a very drunk girl hold her hair back when she puked, and the only thing she said to me when she was able to open her eyes was "you have a mohawk," which isn't true, it is mostly a faux-hawk, but I wasn't going to correct her.

Furthermore, I have never been in a fight with someone else with a mohawk/fauxhawk.

Let me know what others think

9:37 PM - 4 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment -


Who knows about any of those other mohawk wearers, but you are a truely nice guy.


lacey and alison.

Posted by Alison on Sep 19, 2006 1:08 PM
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Boiling Society


Yes, i heart you, but since you are my only blog subscriber,the only blog commentator, and I told you that I was going to blog on this before I did, I cannot allow you to post any comments until others do.

Posted by Boiling Society on Sep 19, 2006 2:34 PM
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Thanks for holding my hair back while I puked this weekend.
Sorry I misidentified your hairstyle.

Posted by Dutch on Sep 19, 2006 11:22 PM
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You should've corrected the girl who was puking. Call people out once in awhile! Puking is, was, and has always been the excuse that everybody buys.

Have a good one!


Posted by Alexa on Mar 13, 2007 9:05 AM
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Friday, September 15, 2006

Watch like nobody is dancing

Friday, September 15, 2006

Watch like nobody is dancing
Current mood: content

So, I want to go to grad school. At least I think I do. This is the first September in 17 years that I have not been in school. I have a job I love, work with people who are great, and have no real idea what I would like to go to school for.

Lots of people have told me to wait. And I am happy to wait, but it still feels weird. See, I have this inherent need to keep moving, movement in some direction is always preferred to just treading water.

So, I can go to grad school, and I think I want to decide on where to go…. It is either going to be in or around Chicago, or in or around San Francisco. I really like both cities, but I think Chicago might be a better choice.

Grad school is likely to happen, but what is my purpose in school? What is my goal? If I am going in order to get a PhD in Theatre, well then it is Dave the college professor for the rest of his life. If I go out to get a MFA in Directing or Design, well, then it is probably just Dave the poor theatre guy for the rest of his life. Directing and or designing great shows, but the competition is tough

Instead, I could just head off and move toward my dream of owning my own theatre/bar/restaurant. Which would be sweet, I just need to get some capital under me and some investors, and also some artistic staff to help me out. Part restaurant, part coffee house, part theatre, part comedy club, part bar--- two to three theatrical spaces where the hip and mod hang out and watch the funny.

I was resolved to wait for a year… turns out that is tough, you either wait 6 months or 18 months since you have to jump back into the testing and application process.

So, no matter what, I need to figure some stuff out here in the next couple of months.

Can I keep doing what I am doing for the next year? Two years? Wow. That is a long time. I suppose two years isn't that long, and a lot can happen in those two years.

Hell, a lot can happen in two months. Look at all the crap that happened in the past 6 months!

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Leave it on the back burner, take it to the drive town, here we go

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Leave it on the back burner, take it to the drive town, here we go.
Current mood: content

Alright, here we go.....

First off, I don't 'blog.' It has never been my thing. Why should I blog? Well, I do like to write, and I think about writing a lot. I like to watch people. I watch them eat, strangers, friends, people on the bus, folks in coffee houses, and the minor ticks people seem to have that identify their personality more than their words and actions could ever justify.

I don't mean to say that I judge those around me by their clothing or anything as juvinile as that. No, I only judge people by how they treat others, and mostly how they treat the others around me. I think that character judgement is wrong until you see how a person interacts with those around them. I want to see how you treat a waitress, or a mailman. I want to see how you respect them as a person, deeper than the title on their shirt. That tells me how you think of yourself, or what insecurities you have.

But the way you read a paper, or act when you think no one else is looking, that is how you interact with yourself. That is more the real you. That veil over your body that explains your mood, your mindset, and your current personal topic of conversation with yourself. The man on the bus who zones into the space directly in front of the window without registering what is racing past the glass. A blank expression of a long day, a bad arguement, a sad memory, or just perhaps wondering what to reheat in the fridge for dinner that night. That is a better introduction than any, 'Hello, my name is..." than I have ever heard.

Your silent actions speak volumes about your priorities. Being impatient in line seems to say that you are impatient about more than just how fast the register moves. If you cannot take that extra few minutes to identify with those around you, what is so important in your immediate future?

I remember a friend of mine and I were walking to a bus stop about four years ago, and I saw her bus pulling up to the stop and I told her she had better run and catch it. "Why?" was her only response.

"Because you are going to miss it."

"There will always be another bus."

"But that won't happen for another twenty minutes"

"So, that leaves me twenty more minutes to talk to you, or see what happens before the next bus comes. Sure, i would get home 20 minutes faster if I ran to catch that bus right now, but then I wouold be flustered, and my bag might fall open, and I would not be able to say good bye to you in the way I should."

Last Spring she and I were again walking to another bus stop and she yelled an excamation as she saw her bus pulling away. I asked her what had happened to the girl I used to know who had been so lax in schedules and clocks. She kinda frowned, and then we went to coffee instead. She was an hour late to work and no one even noticed.

Currently listening :
Silent Steeples
By Dispatch
Release date: 09 November, 2004