Sunday, November 5, 2006

Yesterday was a good day...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Yesterday was a good day...
Current mood: happy

Yesterday was a great day.

First of all, I don't blog, but I feel like this is a good way to get out some things.

Yesterday I watched the Homecoming parade at the U. Homecoming is always great, I saw good friends, had a good time, and I was very proud of Deke, the members, the alums and of course the pledges. I feel honored to be their New Member Educator.

Last night was closing night for the Brave New Workshop fall show, "The Left, the Right, and the Ugly; or Blue State Blues." Several of the FOH staff and myself messed with the cast a little. Needless to say, I was shirtless in front of 200 customers including my staff, my students, my coworkers, and my bosses. It should have been grounds to be fired, but at my job I was 'Yes, anded…' and it wasn't until afterwards that I thought about the fact that I could have been fired for it. I will never do something like that again, at least I don't think so. See, while it was funny, it was kind of screwing over the scene. And I don't like that. It was funny, but I walked a very fine line.

At the end of the show I was awarded a gift for my years of service to the BNW. I got a BNW letter jacket, which is awarded only to people who have either gone through the entire mainstage process of writing and performing an entire show or to those who have worked in admin for several years. I never bought my letter jacket in high school, but the black and red I got last night means a lot more than the black and orange from Cedarburg High, or the maroon and gold from the U of M.

Getting that jacket was very humbling. I have wanted that jacket for a long time, but when I was pulled up on stage by John and Jenni, I never felt less deserving of it, because I now feel like a member of an elite group of dedicated individuals, and I am honored to have been included.

My life is centered around only a few things right now. Those things are my family and friends, my work, my fraternity and ties as an alumni of the University. Most of my friends are tied to me through work and the U, and they are like family to me. The Workshop is like that too, except that it is a job, a job I respect and enjoy, with people I respect and enjoy, and I want to go to work every day.

For a time, things were kind of messed up in my life, but over the past week a lot has come together so I feel like my life is back on track. Now it's back to me to jump on board and keep things going. Good things are yet to come.

Yes, and.