Friday, July 11, 2008

Following my bliss right out of here... love the life you live.

This note is all over the place.

For anyone who doesn't know, I am moving to Chicago on September 1st.

For the past week or so, two phrases have been burning in my brain, "Follow Your Bliss" and "Live the life you love, love the life you live."

Last week I took the whole week off and spent time in Milwaukee and Chicago. I spent time on my farm with my family, time with high school friends, time with the horses and my dogs, time at Summerfest, time in my future home of Chicago.

When i got back I spent time at my Fraternity House with the "new kids," and I have been back at the Brave New Workshop since Monday interviewing people to take my job, I have been back to the grind with only seven weeks to go.

Since my drive back to Milwaukee and the farm I have had a thought in the back of my head about "Following my Bliss...." a phrase known to almost any of my theatre friends as attributed to Chase Korte and Joseph Campbell. Chase was following his bliss. And so many of us have continued to follow our bliss over the past 16 months, and he has been one of our muses. (I am thinking of Brant, Nick, 4 Humors, Nikki, Adri, and Toussaint here with your words, plays, and songs) We have all made tribute to him in our own ways. Through writing, through song, through plays, through improv, and through life-- and doing what makes us happy.

When I was at Summerfest this past week I bought a tee shirt from a vendor whose motto on all their gear was "Live the life you love, love the life you live." and when I asked them about the meaning behind their message it was the following emailed response, "We are all about inspiration and passionate living... it means anything you want it to. It is about following your dreams, finding your bliss, being who you reallky are and living life to the fullest. That is something different for everyone. We do take inspiration from many cultures, religions,nature, music and our family. But we by no means are we trying to "push" any one thing on anyone. To each his own. We are only trying to inspire positive living..."

These two messages ring so true to Improvised Theatre, I cannot stop thinking about them. They are so true to what think I am doing, I am amazed.

I am moving to Chicago for the next two years to do something. I am going to work hard and try to better myself in an art form that I love. Lisa, Tyler, and I (and the others who are going on their own) are laying it all on the line to take the jump-- because if we don't do it now, we might never do it.

I have been so lucky in Minneapolis. Between the U of M, Delta Kappa Epsilon, the Brave New Workshop,Comedy Sportz, the entire Twin Cities improv community, I have grown up and learned a lot.

The Brave New Workshop has been a constant for me over the past 6 years. For the past three years I have walked into 2605 Hennepin Ave almost every day--- and now I am leaving. It is so weird. I have been so lucky.

I am also freaked the fuck out.

There, I fucking said it. I am exited as all hell, and I know this is the right choice, but I am putting it all out there, and the logical side of me is saying that I shouldn't.

But I am trusting the improv side of me. I am not jumping without a net, but I am jumping. i am getting off the back line and starting a new scene. I have two great scene partners (lisa and tyler) and a great freaking audience of support in Minneapolis and Chicago. My body is twitching, and I know it's time to edit this scene.

In improv we are constantly changing, accepting new information, trusting our instincts, rolling with the punches, and working together towards an end that we do not know. That's what we do in life too. We are all improvisers. You accept the gifts that you discover in the scene, and you learn from ever improv scene you are a part of... the scene is gone instantly, but the information stays forever.

In Improv we trust our body before our mind because it knows better--- our instinctual nature knows better. If we think too long the moment has past. We trust that our scene partners will support us, and that we in turn will support them. That's what's great about improv, it's the mutual respect and trust that we are all working for something more. Improv is based on the innate facets of humanity that still bind with something animal and primal -- something within us that we forget about as we get older and forget how to be innovative and carefree--- creative. As we grow we train ourselves to forget that part of ourselves because we cannot nail it down-- as we get older we belive more in logic than in spontaneity.

Within improvised theatre we must retrain ourselves to trust those instincts again. Kids do this better than adults. It's not easy, every improviser struggles with it. They work to trust the process, their scene partner, the group, and themselves.

I am playing the good improviser by making sure to take care of my scene partner and my connections here. I never want to throw someone under the bus, and so I am serving the scene, my partner, and then myself.

Here's the thing I want to say here. I am going to miss everyone in Minneapolis, everyone at the BNW, at DKE, and I am going to rely on all of your strength and support as we go through this.

I respect everyone I know who have gone for something they love even when the logic of the situation was working against it. I want you all to know that I am doing this without ego, I think I am doing this for some other reason--- one that I don't know. I don't know what the end goal is... I just need to do it. I don't know all of my future scene partners, and I don't know where this is going to take me... but that's what's going on, and that's what's on my mind...

And if you were tagged in this message, then for some reason I identify some of this message with you-- probably because you have done something like this, and I respect you so much for it, or because you just might be somehow responsible for some part of this, thank you for that.

If you were not tagged in this but you read this anyway, you probably instrumental still, or connect with this still. Thank you for being a part of my development.... plus I reached my tag limit

Thanks for reading.


"Live the Life you Love, Love the life you Live" ~ J. Sebastian Ystrom

"I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.
~ Joseph Campbell

"....there's no freedom unless you're vulnerable first. So, I did it. Then I turned a corner. I realized that sharing something intimate or important to me or something that really matters to me doesn't necessarily have to be anything sexual or a profound weakness of mine or anything like that, it just needs to matter enough that I need to share it."~ Chase Korte

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it." ~ The Buddha

Yes, and....

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