Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Fixing the internet" is not in anyone's job description around here... oops.

July 30, 2008

Hey there folks,

So, it’s been a few days since I wrote, and I apologize for any of you who were hoping for my expose on Wisconsin vs. Minnesota—that is going to be a great one, and it is going to be a long and balanced look from my biased opinion.

Today I have been totally delayed on everything because of working with a tech on the internet at the Brave New Workshop for the past four hours. So, I have not been nearly as productive as I would have liked, and I will be keeping this entry pretty short.

Lisa, Tyler and I are heading down to Chi-Town to find a place to live on Sunday the 16th of August. I have dubbed this the “Apartment of Bust” trip. Petri (Tyler) Burstin’ (Lisa) and DVJ4 (Me) will be making the trek with all plans to have a place to live after our three day journey. People keep asking me if I am excited, and yes, yes I am. But it seems very surreal. I think that it’s strange to suddenly be moving to another town as I am going to be running myself ragged right up to our departure on September 2nd.

I am so excited for a rehearsal with the “Untitled Harold Experiment” this weekend, it’s not funny. I also have a ComedySportz Show Thursday night, so come out and see me kick some ass.

The Brewers have lost the first two games of this series against the Cubs. I did not see the inning last night where the Cubs scored 5 runs, and I am glad I missed it. I have a theory that under the national spotlight of playing on ESPN tonight that the Brewers will be victorious. Also, I was afraid to blog about them for fear of ruining their luck, but I guess that did not matter, so let’s see them kick some ass tonight. That is all I am going to say about the game, except that they will probably have to score early in the game to make a win possible

This is where I would normally write an expose about one thing or another, no time right now…. So moving on….

BETTER KNOW A POLITICIAN-- Ehud Olmert -- Prime Minister of Israel
Several of my RSS feeds tell me that Prime Minister Olmert has announced that he will be vacating his office after the elections in September, so let’s take a look at him and learn a little bit about him, shall we?
• Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been the center point of a a high-profile corruption investigation, announced Wednesday that he would resign his office after his party chose a new leader in September elections.
• He has been under pressure in a high-profile investigation, suspected of illicitly receiving large sums of cash over a long period from a Long Island businessman.
• He has denied all implications of wrongdoing
• He became acting Prime Minister in January of 2006 after Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke
• He became Prime Minister after elections in May 2006
• His wife is an artist, playwright, and a leftwing politico (who claims to have voted for him for the first time in 2006!)
• From 1993 to 2003 he served as the Mayor of Jerusalem—where he improved transportation in the city be bringing in a light rail system
• In February of 2006, scandal hit the acting Prime Minister’s cabinet after a little case of police brutality when they were forcing the eviction of an Israeli Settlement
• He and his wife have 4 children as well as an adopted daughter
• One of his sons is Vice President of Nickelodeon

That is all—for now….

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'm glad you're going to Chicago, but I'm genuinely going to miss you.

So long as you know.