Thursday, August 28, 2008

bookend shows

This will be a day bookended by shows.

I awoke from only 3 hours of sleep this morning to go to ComedySportz and do a great show for a group of teachers in Waconia... I still do not know where Waconia is, except that it is South and West.

Tonight is our "Thank You, Minnapolis" show at the Brave New Workshop. Things could be a little nuts tonight. I you are still debating coming, you really should just show up.

From here on out it is a lot of packing, cleaning, and final hand off.

I spoke to my mother today, she asked how I was doing-- I responded with "Well, moving is one of the most stressful things in life, and I am doing it without enough prep time... so I am a little stressed."

"Oh, I suppose. Well, I wish there was something I could do, but seeing as I can't-- just call me and let me know how you are doing."

That was nice. That was acceptance of the fact that I am actually moving to Chicago on her part. This is good... it means she is finally ok with my move.

So, come tot he show tonight, it will be great... see you there.


1 comment:

Michael said...

I grew up 15 minutes from Waconia. It's in the middle of nowhere. No one should ever need to know or know where Waconia is...

Again, I apologize for missing the show. Had I been within 1,000 miles, I would have come.

But you already knew that.