Sunday, August 3, 2008

Time Lapse

August 3, 2008

Hey there folks,

Welcome back. So, since my last writing I have lost three keys on my new laptop. It was a terrible experience, and I offer it up only because it is making typing slightly more difficult. I lost my S, E, and 4 key in an amazing drop from one hand and catch by another hand. Alas, I need to order a new laptop keyboard from Dell and install it myself. Dude, I got another Dell. Dude.

As I am typing this on my broken keyboard I am trying a little experiment. I am using the camera on my laptop to do a time lapse session on what happens during the art fair in front of the Brave New Workshop. I’ll post the video if it is at all interesting. So, if the thrill of reading my blog is not enough for you, you can now watch from my computer screen a video of what happens over my shoulder as I am typing in front of the BNW.

Do you use iGoogle? If you don’t, you should. It should be everyone’s new homepage. It is amazing. It gets the DVJ4 seal of approval.

Looking for jobs, looking for places to live. Everyone and their mother ask me about Chicago on a nearly daily basis. I suppose I don’t mind talking about it, when I am not talking about it I tend to freak out a little and worry, but when I am talking about it, I just get annoyed by the fact that I have no idea what is going on at all. Lisa and Tyler (Burstin’ and Petri) both have Fringe Shows to keep them busy, I just have the BNW to keep me busy… which does keep me pretty busy, I suppose. I have been searching on for housing and jobs almost nonstop for the past two weeks. Anyway, everyone asks me about it all the time…

No real update here, just rehearsing, a little ComedySportz here and there.

Alright. Yep. The Cubs won the entire series in Milwaukee.

That is all

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